Truth and Dare:The Wild Irish Poet (a.k.a. Alan Cooke) Interview .

Alan Cooke. a.k.a.  is an Emmy-winning actor/poet/novelist who just released his literary piece called Naked in New York. The book is the  result of his experiences, when he embarked on a journey to New York city just after the 9/11. He has acted and written since the 90s and then one day he just decided … Continue reading Truth and Dare:The Wild Irish Poet (a.k.a. Alan Cooke) Interview .

Sophie & Fiachra

From Quebec to Ireland..  The beauty of two worlds. No other effect is achieved like the purity of two distinct instruments merging together creating symmetrical patters of sounds...If there is an imagery I can take to describe the beauty of Sophie and Fiacra's music, then it has to be the Celtic knot work. Elegance, confidence … Continue reading Sophie & Fiachra