LUAS – Wonky Driveway

I love music that makes us tap our feet and clap our hands. This is the site where you can chill and listen to good music of all genres, obviously not just Celtic music. I want to welcome Luas for the second time with their new single, Wonky  Driveway.  

You should check out the YouTube video. It’s really fantastic, and they are that kind of band where you also wanna pick up your musical instrument and learn how to play it because the music is just irresistible; it has that vibe, that joyful and positive spirit. And we all need that when everyone seems to be negative. I got acquainted with Brian Haitz with their previous single Ard Tí Cuain and this is definitely an exciting follow-up to that. I wish they would continue to create tunes and hopefully release an album. I would surely pick it up and play it all the time.

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